Monday 28 March 2016

National Bank rogue board members

It is strange that the Board who are responsible for credit decisions as well as the overall strategy and all the actions that management executed now wants to use the CEO and management as the scapegoat when the problem is the same two people have sponsored the blogs and the audits as part of a well-orchestrated hounding mission.
The mission of the bank has since changed to fix the performance by instigating a blog, scare the regulator as a result and then conduct a convoluted witch hunt of 5 months extended "audit" instead of formal audit which lasts no more than 2 months (clearly showing D&T are clearly on a paid hatchet job). The management is not going to take this assault by the rogue board members lying down as is the case in public service because these are career bankers who will take decisive and strong legal action to protect their careers and reputations from board members of dubious character like the two leaders of this faction. However this might cause irreparable damage to the bank which these board members apparently either don't care about or are too ignorant and arrogant to  see. They are ill advised to believe they can intimidate and harass senior management out of the jobs and ruin careers and reputations. It is a shame the government is watching as yet another state owned entity is hijacked with a clear aim to capture and takeover the wonderful institution.
 The audits and investigations are clearly slanted to protect the Board and some senior managers. These hatchet job audits don't mention the lack of capital and resources to execute the strategy. The "audit" and the Board also ignore to mention the role of the substantive CFO who was responsible for the financial performance of the bank mainly because Kerring and the sponsored blog wants to shield him. Instead the board is trying to pin responsibility
Talking of Kerring. It is worth noting that Kering was appointed to the NBK board illegally because a letter was written by Lagat when nssf had no board in place and NBK was just instructed to incorporate him. He is also adversely mentioned in the death case of one of the ICC witness who was to testify. He has 350acres of land from being a sales manager at shell BP - how did he acquire all that wealth?
Keep it fainancial for more information as we continue to unravel more details about the individuals trying to bring down National Bank.

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